Posts Tagged ‘Speaker for parent’s groups and teachers’

What are the skills for the future? Reverse Engineering Children’s Education does not work – Try these skills instead

May 1, 2013

Working backwards from our current adults to formulate teachings for our young children does not work.  While reverse engineering is great for technology if you can do it fast enough to figure out how something was created before it becomes out of date it is not great for education and here is why.

Educators know that by the time they teach your child and by the time your child graduates most of what they have learned will be out of date and no longer useful – even history can be explored anytime online so memorizing dates seems pointless.  Global outsourcing means that what can be down globally will likely be outsourced – things like in-person service and great innovation is some of the main areas of focus for skill development.

So, what can we teach children? 

Here are some of the best skills to insure your child’s future success (or anyone’s really):

  • Love of Learning
  • Creative Imaging
  • Ability to embrace change
  • Love of life long fitness –not the old forced P.E.

To learn more – ask about my speaking program on De-stressing Children at (or even easier