Mother’s Day Raindrop in my Coffee, Core Love

Today, I decided to enjoy my morning coffee in my patio, then the rain came and I quickly gathered my books and papers. It was only beginning and so tiny droplets fell here and there; first onto a page I was reading and then onto my writing. I scooped up the pages, books and my coffee and just as I was about to enter the house a single drop of rain fell into my coffee.

My first thought was “eww” did that roll off my roof? Then I realized how far that single drop of rain had travelled to end up in my coffee. I looked up at the sky and had a sense of what it might feel like to be a droplet inside that massive cloud above. I wondered, what sort of experience it might be to be scooped up from a river, ocean or lake, to travel with the wind and to final fall from maybe 20,000 feet or more to land “plunk” into my coffee. I took a moment from my fleeing the rain to stand, my face toward the clouds appreciating the experience and wondered, “where was this rain coming from, how far had it travelled?’ Soon, in my mind, I floated within the clouds feeling a cool and moist breeze as if I was in a spa made of cool air.

It reminded me that no matter how far we travel from our source that we are always a part of it and that no matter how far we are from our mothers on this Mother’s day that we are always a part of where we came from. Becoming a mother is like ripping your heart out of your body, putting legs on it and setting it loose to experience the world without you. No matter how far the heart travels it remains connected somehow.
Some of us today will celebrate Mother’s Day with our Mother’s and for some of us the reminder of mother is filled with pain. We might have grown up with mothers that were just how we wanted them to be, and for others the mothers were absent or worse – they were there and abusive.

No matter what your experience was – remember that the experience was perfect because it made you who you are today. I hope that you will honor the source today- whether it is simply the clouds above sprinkling the water of life in your coffee and on your face, or the source represented in the mother that you see today. Mother’s day is not about good or bad mothers but more a celebration of love from the core of our being. This core of love is one that we can access in ourselves regardless of our experiences with mom.

Mothers are one of the vessels in which a child is trained and then set free. We never own our children but simply are gifted and trusted with their presence for a very short time. If you are feeling that your mother was not there for you – don’t carry that throughout your life, and maybe choose instead to turn your experience into a gift for others who experience the same sense of loss, frustration and anger. Show them through your example how to access the core love, that lives within us all, for themselves.

This is one of the keys to optimize our mental health – learn how to find core love within – regardless of what is going on around you. I hope that you will choose to transform what you learned into something wonderful and set it free throughout the universe to land in someone else’s coffee.


Happy Mother’s Day
Bonne Fête des Mères
Feliz Día de la Madre

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